For a Retaining Wall in Geelong, Concrete Sleepers are the Best Option
To make the best use of sloping ground, a retaining wall is a good investment. And the quickest and easiest way to construct one is to use our concrete sleepers available in Geelong as your main building material.
Concrete sleepers come in a variety of sizes and colours so are suitable for many types of building projects. They’re extremely strong, are quick to build, won’t rot or corrode and will last for many years with no maintenance needed. Read More
Enhancing a Garden Area with Retaining Walls in Geelong Vic
Retaining walls built from concrete sleepers have a number of functions:
- To create level terraced areas in a sloping garden so that those parts of the garden are more accessible and useable. A retaining wall converts previously unusable space into areas that can be used for recreation and entertainment.
- To prevent soil erosion, which can often occur, especially when sloping areas become waterlogged. A retaining wall will improve the integrity of the ground and hold it in place.
- As a decorative feature that makes certain areas of the garden more attractive. The various colours available for concrete sleepers can create a focal feature or complement their surroundings.
- To create large, raised beds or seating areas as part of a retaining wall.
With a little thought and imagination, you can use concrete sleepers to create a variety of garden features. These can be part of a retaining wall or be standalone elements. What you do with our concrete sleepers is up to you and your ingenuity.
Speedy Construction and Excellent Stability
Retaining walls using concrete sleepers are simple and quick to build. They generally require only solid foundations and good drainage to create an attractive and long-lasting feature. Effective use of gravel under and behind the wall will help to provide stability and drainage while metal support posts at intervals will also help, especially for particularly tall retaining walls.
Walls are normally built by laying sleepers horizontally, but these can also be placed vertically for a different effect. Either way, additional support may be necessary because retaining walls often have to withstand a lot of weight.
Timber sleepers are normally treated before use and can last up to 25 years if this is done properly. However, you cannot always rely on this, and poor treatment will result in a much shorter effective life.
Our concrete sleepers are consistently strong and durable, easily outlasting timber versions and with no need for any type of maintenance, other than checking there’s no movement due to deficient installation. Concrete sleepers don’t rot, are not prone to insect damage and will withstand harsh conditions without deteriorating.
A properly constructed concrete sleeper retaining wall will be an outstanding feature in any garden as well as being supremely functional and dependable. Our concrete sleepers are available in various sizes and colours, can be installed in any way that suits your project and require no mortar joints so can be installed in any weather. If you need help or advice, contact us today and we’ll assist you in constructing the perfect retaining wall.Read Less

You may agree our traditional Aussie Back Yard has become more of place to entertain, relax, and more than ever is an extension of our living space, hence the idea of creating a haven, somewhere you enjoy being, pottering, or relaxing on a daily basis.
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Designed And Manufactured Right Here In Australia
Real-Crete® is built for Australian conditions from environmentally conscious materials. Durable, long lasting and cost effective, Real-Crete® always looks great, is low maintenance, saving you time and money.
The Team at Realcrete are always looking for ways to improve the Realcrete product, and keep ahead our customers trends in creation.
At Realcrete we work closely with many Contract Installers and we like to listen and understand what needs are required in the Retaining Wall and associated Feature Elements for the dream space you need.