Queensland Product List

Creative Outdoor Solutions With Real-Crete® High Quality Concrete Sleepers.

Real-Crete® manufactures high quality, concrete landscaping solutions for, Structural Retaining Walls, Garden Edgings, Paving, Post & Rail Fencing and Feature Elements. The Realcrete Team know now, more than ever, we need to be creating more liveable and interesting features for our outdoor spaces.

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Designed and
manufactured in Australia

Real-Crete® is built for Australian conditions from environmentally conscious materials. Durable, long lasting and cost effective, Real-Crete® always looks great, is low maintenance, saving you time and money.

The Team at Realcrete are always looking for ways to improve the Realcrete product, and keep ahead our customers trends in creation.

At Realcrete we work closely with many Contract Installers and we like to listen and understand what needs are required in the Retaining Wall and associated Feature Elements for the dream space you need.